Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the Beginning...

Hey all, my name is Ady, and I'm a home sewer with a dream: to start my own clothing line.

I have been interested in vintage sewing and costuming for several years now, but recently I have been on a quest to increase my sewing expertise. I have delved into the textiles arts of screen printing and tie dying, and have begun upcycling old clothing I find around town (thrift stores and free boxes mostly).(A dress I made from a large silk skirt, discovered in a free box on my street!)

With all this new clothing discovery, I have noticed that I have been developing some interesting styles, and that my clothing has become even more one of a kind than it was when I was just using patterns. My friend Tahia noticed too, and asked if I might do a fashion show for an art fundraiser she is doing in a few weeks. So now I have a way to start my goal.

Follow me as I create my first line of Embley clothing!